Lives and Science Through Time:
Parallel Themes of Stability and Change
Constance Jones, PhD
Dr. Jones is a Fresno Psychologist who was just recognized for her research at CSU Fresno. It is important that we support her as a community. She is presenting on an intergenerational longitudinal study going back as far as 1929 looking at longstanding personality traits and examining what problems stay with us as we get older and which ones mellow with age. This presentation will be fascinating with much important information for psychologists to consider in providing treatment for clients of all ages.
This one-hour course pertains to theory, methodology, and research in psychology. Specifically, Dr. Jones will first describe the Intergenerational Studies (IGS), an internationally-known longitudinal study of normal human behavior. This study, begun in 1929 and still ongoing, has provided scientists with invaluable knowledge of infant, child, adolescent, and adult development. (20 minutes). Second, Dr. Jones will discuss broad themes of human development that have emerged from study of the IGS data. These include important impacts of historical cohort on development, non-linear patterns of development, and divergent paths to maturity. (20 minutes). Finally, Dr. Jones will discuss some of the parallel themes in the practice of science, as illustrated by changes in IGS scientific procedures. Innovative new methodologies created by researchers associated with the IGS data will be detailed (20 minutes).
After attending this course, participants will be able to:
* Describe the characteristics and value of longitudinal research for understanding human behavior
* Describe characteristics of the Intergenerational Studies that make these studies unique
* Detail themes of human development now supported by empirical research
* Discuss changes in scientific procedures that impact scientific knowledge available to researchers and practitioners alike
California Psychological Association is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. California Psychological Association maintains responsibility for this program and its content.
The location for SJVPA General Meetings has been moved to the Marie Callender's on the corner of Shaw and Marty
The address is 3602 W. Shaw Ave, Fresno, CA 93711